14 June, 2010

Erin Featherson Resort 2011

[Photos off Here Comes the Sun]

I saw this collection off of Here Comes the Sun and my friend Frances' Hansel&Petal! I can't say that I'm in love with the collection, but I do like it. I particularly like the color scheme. In all honestly, it makes me think of The White Stripes. It also makes me think back to 2006, when I was walking through a mall with my sister and Forever21 had all their mannequins dressed in black, white, and red. Random, but it's true. I think my favorite outfit would have to be the one with the nude satin blouse with the Peter Pan collar and ruffled skirt... Or the patterned dress. I do like the off-white blouse with the large bow, however.

Another thing to note that I do like is the make-up! I really like the natural face and orangey red lipstick! Personally, I would have made the eyebrows darker and thicker, like Ali Michael's. But I guess that's just me. I love the dark and full eyebrow look... just not on myself!


Summer is finally here! To be honest, I haven't really been inspired in the "fashion" category, thus my lack of posts! I haven't been looking at any designers since... Oh gosh, February? I also haven't been shopping much at all. All I do is go onto Forever21's website and look at their new arrivals. No, I'm not lying! It's actually sad how my "fashion depression" is so deep. My school outfits were terrible (while school lasted).

Is it bad that I really want those socks?

I think a huge reason why this blog has been lacking posts is my new interest in beauty.
I've stopped reading a lot of fashion blogs and have been reading a lot more beauty blogs! Also, I think the negligence of this blog is due to my laziness. I've been too lazy to get my camera, take pictures, upload them onto my computer, edit/resize/etc. photos, and then host them on a website! I'm sorry, my few remaining followers, and I'll try to be more active!

... Here's a polyvore set. YES, I know this won't make up for I've abandoned this blog!

summerFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore