[Photos off Here Comes the Sun]
I saw this collection off of Here Comes the Sun and my friend Frances' Hansel&Petal! I can't say that I'm in love with the collection, but I do like it. I particularly like the color scheme. In all honestly, it makes me think of The White Stripes. It also makes me think back to 2006, when I was walking through a mall with my sister and Forever21 had all their mannequins dressed in black, white, and red. Random, but it's true. I think my favorite outfit would have to be the one with the nude satin blouse with the Peter Pan collar and ruffled skirt... Or the patterned dress. I do like the off-white blouse with the large bow, however.
Another thing to note that I do like is the make-up! I really like the natural face and orangey red lipstick! Personally, I would have made the eyebrows darker and thicker, like Ali Michael's. But I guess that's just me. I love the dark and full eyebrow look... just not on myself!